Posts Tagged ‘Ideas’

An experts idea or opinion is not nearly as powerful as scientific evidence; but absolutely never forget that without experiences, science probably would never have existed.

From the quote above, somebody may ask what it means or wonder about the relationship between an experts opinion and science. I will attempt to address this from my own perspective. If you have studied at university or college or have been exposed to the concept of scientific support, then you will know what I am talking about. Almost everybody knows that there are five levels of scientific evidential support; but I will only focus on level 1 versus level 5. Think of level 1 as a very well peer-reviewed and vastly supported article and level 5 as an opinion coming from a regular person with learned innate experience. Before you pick a side or settle for both, think about how they are related to each other because I believe it is essential we understand it. We live in a world of “support” in which science is praised and honoured. We tend to forget the amount of education we can attain from an enriched opinion that can be sought from a regular person on the street. This may be cliché but if you look in every direction you can see at least one potential person with the knowledge that can make enormous changes. This is due to the personal experience that each of us have gone through at any point in our lives. But in today’s society there is less and less “intuition” for what makes sense. Therefore, if somebody tells you their “experts” opinion that makes all the sense in the world, it may still require scientific support for people to even begin to acknowledge. Do not get me wrong though, I absolutely love science because it gives us a sense of what works and what does not work. Science is an educational gift not only from one mind, but a combination of all intelligent minds; and we can never disapprove it. However, if you really think about it science can only educate us about what we “already” know. The world is forever-changing and it is not due to science but actually the personal opinions which will increase and improve our holistic knowledge. Both personal experiences and science have a place in the world even if the latter is praised and honoured a lot more. We just have to always remember that our education from the perspective of science will always be limited but our personal experiences are not. For example, we have heard many cases and incidents about doctors telling patients that they will never be able to walk or run ever again after a drastic accident; but we all know that this isn’t true at all. This is a perfect example of the limitations of academic education even at one of the highest levels (Medical doctors). To put this example into perspective, THESE individuals are the people who you wish to seek when you have been given depressing answers and they have the potential to teach you strategies beyond the limits of science. Why? Because they have unique “details” and their “opinions” alone may weigh more than all of science. This is the definition of in-depth education.

Final note: We should of course be cautious when it comes to following through with ideas and opinions because not all of them are good and acceptable for you; but if it makes sense it does not hurt to try. Never underestimate its potential to changing your life.

~Open Our Minds